Formal Computational Socio-Politics Group

The Formal Computational Socio-Politics (FOCOS) Group gathers an interdisciplinary group of researchers from the French National Research Center (CNRS), Sciences Po and LPI-Université Paris Cité, working in political sciences, sociology, computer sciences, and mathematics. At the interface between social sciences and modeling, we leverage computational methods to create new research approaches in social science fields.

As suggested by the name of the group, we seek to propose a new approach in the emerging field of computational social sciences. Our focus is not the application of computational methods to the understanding of social phenomena. Instead, we seek to develop social science theories and frameworks into formalisms that can be treated computationally, leading to new tools and findings in sociology and political science leveraging data. Most of the members of our group are mathematicians by training, but working on social science departments and laboratories.


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Code & Software

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